
While occasional sadness is a normal part of life, sometimes these feelings become overwhelming and persistent. This is when depression can take hold.

Symptoms of depression can include:

  • Intense sadness or low mood
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • Loss of motivation or interest in activities
  • Feelings of emptiness or numbness
  • Difficulty functioning in daily life.

How do we treat Depression at Ramsay Clinic Rockhampton? 

Inpatient program

Our inpatient service is run by an experienced multi-disciplinary team, offering you 24 hour care.  We provide a comfortable, stable environment allowing you to focus on your recovery. 

Please contact us for more information on inpatient care.

Day Program  

One day / week for 10 weeks

This program is specifically designed for patients with depression and related disorders (including dysthymia and pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder and schizoaffective disorder – depressive type). This program offers support, psycho-education and skills development to effectively manage symptoms and to improve participants’ quality and enjoyment in life.

The depression program covers issues that have been identified by research as being important in the onset and maintenance of depressed mood. These issues include:

  • Understanding depression
  • Motivation and activation
  • Acceptance and mindfulness
  • Unhelpful thinking and healthy alternatives
  • Core beliefs and self-worth
  • Staying well and early warning signs

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) are used to cover issues central to supporting recovery from depression. Emphasis is placed on the provision of a warm, supportive environment that values the lived experience of group participants.

For further information or to make a referral please call Ramsay Clinic Rockhampton on 07 4932 1140

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