
Dr Hannah Galloway

BSc (2009), MBBS (2014), FRANZCP (2022)
Dr Hannah Galloway is a consultant psychiatrist with an interest in eating disorders and women’s mental health.
Ramsay Clinic New Farm
22 Sargent Street
New Farm QLD 4005
07 3254 9100
07 3254 9601
Psychiatry - Eating Disorders
Womans Mental Health
Dr Hannah Galloway


Dr Hannah Galloway is a consultant psychiatrist with an interest in eating disorders and women’s mental health. 

Dr Galloway commenced psychiatry training in Brisbane in 2017 after working as a junior doctor in Melbourne. She completed medical school at the University of Notre Dame Sydney in 2014 and graduated from a Bachelor of Science at the University of Queensland in 2009. During her Psychiatry training she has worked across a number of services including the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Caboolture Hospital, Children’s Health Queensland and the Mater Hospital. 

Dr Galloway also works as a Psychiatrist at Mater Catherine’s House for mothers, babies and families. She uses attachment principles in all her approaches to patient care and believes that building a therapeutic alliance is a key factor in recovery and improving the quality of life and relationships for those struggling with mental illness.