Gerard has been a Clinical Psychologist since 1993 and has worked in private practice, the corporate world and the public sector.
He works on an individual basis with adults who have experienced or been burdened by relationship difficulties (e.g. stale or strained close relationships), workplace issues (e.g. unfair treatment, job dissatisfaction), losses (e.g. death of a loved one, divorce, separations, break-ups) and trauma (e.g. family violence, childhood or more recent abuse, exposure to death or the suffering of others). He also works with those who, due to other circumstances in their lives, may feel demoralised, overwhelmed, devalued, worried, angry, not in control, unsafe, disconnected from others, not belonging, blamed or ashamed.
He uses an integrative approach drawing from the principles and understandings of psychodynamic, interpersonal and cognitive-behavioural therapies in an attempt to cater for his clients’ unique needs, preferences and circumstances.
His approach is based on clear expectations about how he and his clients will work together to alleviate their distress and, in a general sense, aim for better self-understanding, the know-how to make the necessary changes for a more fulfilling life, as well as being equipped to manage future difficulties.
Gerard is a member of the Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA).
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