Treating trauma in women with the four pillars of health

Treating trauma in women with the four pillars of health

Successful recovery for mind, body, community and nutrition

We are so much more than our minds, and this is especially true when treating trauma. Whether from childhood or adolescent abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, bullying at work or school, or from traumatic work experiences such as in military, police, healthcare or other professions, every person’s trauma experience is unique and requires comprehensive, compassionate care.

The four pillars to a holistic trauma-informed approach are:

  • Psychological (for the mind)
  • Physical (for the body)
  • Social (building a community)
  • Nutritional (feeding your body with nutrient-dense food)

For the mind: psychoeducation and group therapy

Sometimes symptoms can point to anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions when they are rooted in trauma response. Through talk therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist as well as group therapy, it’s important to address the cause of symptoms – not just the symptoms themselves.

Mental health conditions can cause us to doubt ourselves and our worthiness of treatment and recovery, but you don’t need to wait until you’re unable to function before you seek help. Any type of mental disturbance or discomfort is valid and can benefit from psychological support.

For the body: physical health activities

Pain in the mind can manifest as pain in the body, so it’s critical to incorporate movement and reconnection with your physical self as part of your recovery from trauma.

This can include simple things such as breathing exercises or meditation, walking, yoga or stretching. Other activities you might not think of as physical, such as art therapy, can also improve mental and physical connection and boost recovery from trauma. 

Build a community with social health activities

Trauma, depression or anxiety can make you feel alone.  A strong social health program values the importance of connection during recovery to help build a sense of belonging.

Collectiveness offers huge benefits during recovery. Learning new skills and engaging with new hobbies not only connects you to others, it can give you a sense of self-autonomy,  independence, empowerment and confidence.

Feed your recovery with solid nutrition

Research indicates that nutrition is paramount in managing trauma.  A lot of energy can be expended when you’re working through your past, and eating the right food is critical to ensuring you stay healthy and physically strong while you’re caring for your psychological health.

Reach out for support

Just like physical illnesses, the treatment and specialist care a person might need for one mental illness may not be suited to the next person.

As the largest private provider of mental health care in Australia, we are dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of those we treat, with whatever pathway they need.

At our specialist women’s only clinic in Thirroul, our expert team offers support for a range of trauma-related conditions in a supportive, safe environment.

We encourage you to reach out to our expert team who can assist you in finding the right avenue for your mental health care journey.