Sari is a Registered Psychologist who specialises in working with children and families. She has a particular interest in the assessment and treatment of mental health concerns in the perinatal period, including ante natal and post-natal depression, anxiety and transition to parenthood.
Sari has specialised, for many years, in the effects our early attachment relationships have on relationships throughout our lives. She has extensive experience working with parents and carers and has worked with a wide range of clients with a trauma background, including developmental trauma.
Sari believes helping new parents understand their children and their needs is key to being able to enjoy happy and secure relationships. Where a child or parent has more complex needs, Sari is committed to working, as a team, with any other health service providers involved in the client’s life, thus ensuring the best outcomes for the client.
Sari has worked in both public health sector and in several non-government agencies. She is working towards full accreditation in EMDR trauma therapy and is a trained Circle of Security Facilitator.
Age groups:
• Infants
• Children
• Adolescents
• Adults
Therapeutic modalities: Children and Adolescents
• Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
• Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
• Narrative therapy
• Play therapy
Therapeutic modalities: Adults
• Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
• Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)