Ramsay Psychology Telehealth Services

At Ramsay Psychology we believe that quality mental health care should be accessible to everyone, no matter where they are. That is why we are excited to offer telehealth services that bring professional mental health care support right to your fingertips.

Telehealth Appointments

Telehealth is a convenient way to connect with our psychologists remotely. Whether you are in a bustling city or a remote rural area, you can access our services from the comfort of your home.

Telehealth appointments allow you to attend your therapy session from the convenience of a smartphone, computer or iPad/tablet that has connection to the internet through the Zoom video App.

Through this video App our psychologists can provide you with quality, accessible, and convenient mental health care consultations, from any location. Providing access to comprehensive mental health assessments and personalised treatment services is imperative to help harness your strengths, foster personal growth, and build resilience.

Telehealth Benefits

  • Convenience: Life can be hectic, but telehealth adapts to your schedule. Telehealth allows you to access the mental healthcare you need, where and when you need it. Whether you are at home, work, or travelling, you can connect with a psychologist via a video call, from anywhere in Australia.
  • Increased Accessibility: Telehealth offers significant advantages for Australians residing in rural, remote, or isolated areas. Additionally, it can be a suitable option for individuals with limited mobility.
  • Cost-Effective: Telehealth consultations can be more cost-effective than in-person visits. They eliminate time lost travelling, fuel costs, reduce public transportation costs, and minimise time away from work, family, or other responsibilities.
  • Virtual Consultations: Scheduling a video call with our caring professionals, you can discuss your concerns, explore coping strategies, and receive personalised guidance—all without leaving your sofa.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Your sessions with our Ramsay psychologists are strictly private just like in-person consultations. Rest assured, that any information you share remains secure and confidential.

Before your appointment is scheduled, please read the essential information in the links below.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms related to mental health, seeking professional help is essential. A telehealth consultation service provided by Ramsay Psychology offers convenient and private therapy sessions with a registered psychologist.

Learn more about our psychologists here.

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Our psychology services cover a wide range of conditions, including:


Make an Appointment Today

Call 1300 171 175

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How To Get Started with Telehealth:

  1. Book an Appointment: Send an email or give us a call to schedule an appointment and choose a time that suits you best.
  2. Chat to one of our psychology team members to discuss the best options for you and ask any questions.
  3. Go to the App store (Google or Apple)
    Download the Zoom App here: Once you have set up the App on your tablet/PC or smartphone you are ready to go.
  1. Virtual Connection: At your appointment time, log in to Zoom via the telehealth portal link we send you.
  2. Meet your Ramsay psychologist: You will meet your therapist via a video call.
  3. Begin your journey: Start working towards better mental health.
  4. Supportive Care: Receive compassionate support, evidence-based therapy, and practical tools to enhance your wellbeing.

For detailed instructions on how to set-up and prepare for a telehealth session, as well as essential information relevant for telehealth, please view the Telehealth Consultation Client Information link here.

Telehealth Consultation Client Information

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Referral, Payment, and Medicare

You do not require a doctor’s referral to book a telehealth appointment at Ramsay Psychology, for information on fees please contact one of the team here  

For those that hold Australian private health insurance funds, you may be eligible for a partial refund. Contact your health fund provider for more information.

However, if you have been referred by your GP to a Ramsay Psychologist with a Mental Health Care Plan, under The Better Access initiative. Support is available from eligible general practitioners (GPs) and other medical practitioners, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists and gives Medicare rebates to eligible people, so they can access the mental health services they need. Eligible people can receive up to ten individual and up to ten group allied mental health services each year. If you wish to access a Medicare rebate for a psychology service, please contact your GP, psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist to discuss further.

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