Trauma and PTSD Treatment

If you’ve been through a traumatic event and experience feelings of fear, helplessness, or other distressing symptoms that affect your daily life, know that you’re not alone. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a treatable condition, and at Ramsay Mental Health, we’re here to provide compassionate, evidence-based care to support you on your path to recovery.

Understanding Trauma and PTSD

Trauma is any deeply distressing or life-threatening event that can leave a lasting impact, often making you feel unsafe or powerless. PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. This can include things such as accidents, natural disasters, violence, or other severe incidents that challenge one’s sense of security.

Common Symptoms of PTSD

  • Flashbacks or intrusive memories of the traumatic event
  • Nightmares or distressing dreams
  • Avoidance of reminders associated with the trauma
  • Negative thoughts or feelings about yourself or the world
  • Persistent feelings of hypervigilance or being "on edge"
  • Difficulty sleeping or focusing
  • Heightened irritability or outbursts of anger

Treatment Options at Ramsay Clinic Cairns

At Ramsay Clinic Cairns, we offer a comprehensive range of programs and services specifically designed to help you heal from trauma and manage PTSD symptoms.

This may include:

  • Inpatient Program: Our experienced multi-disciplinary team provides 24/7 care in a comfortable, stable environment, allowing you to focus on recovery.
  • Day Programs: We offer a specialised day program to help you manage PTSD symptoms. This program utilises Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to address your current symptoms, reduce avoidance behaviours, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

We're Here for You

Our compassionate team is here to support you if you’re struggling with trauma or PTSD. Call us at (07) 4050 7000 to discuss your individual needs and the admissions process or click here to send an enquiry.

Day program referral form 

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