
While occasional sadness is a normal part of life, sometimes these feelings become overwhelming and persistent. This is when depression can take hold.

Symptoms of depression can include:

  • Intense sadness or low mood
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • Loss of motivation or interest in activities
  • Feelings of emptiness or numbness
  • Difficulty functioning in daily life.

Treatment Options at Ramsay Clinic Cairns

We understand that depression manifests differently for everyone. Our dedicated mental health team offers a personalised approach to treatment, including:

  • Inpatient Programs: For individuals requiring a more intensive level of support, we offer inpatient stays where you can focus on recovery within our clinic's supportive and stable environment.
  • Day Programs: We offer a variety of day programs designed to help you manage your depression in a supportive environment.

Day Program Options:

  • Managing Mood Day Program: Gain a deeper understanding of depression, learn how to reverse its cycle, and build a meaningful, healthy lifestyle. This program incorporates Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) techniques.
  • Managing Mood and Art Therapy Day Program: Develop new skills to express yourself, process emotions, and problem-solve through creative exploration, whilst also learning skills to manage your mood. This program utilises art therapy principles alongside CBT. (No prior art experience needed.)
  • Managing Mood using Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Day Program: This 18-week program teaches skills to manage intense emotions, improve relationships, and build a fulfilling life. While originally designed for Borderline Personality Disorder, DBT can benefit individuals with various challenges.

We're Here for You

If you're ready to take the first step towards managing your depression, contact us today. Call us at (07) 4050 7000 to discuss your individual needs and the admissions process or click here to send an enquiry.

Download our day program referral form 

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