Substance Misuse and Addiction Treatment

Struggling with addiction can feel isolating and overwhelming  and affect your well-being, relationships, career, and sense of self. At Ramsay Mental Health, we understand that facing addiction takes immense courage, and you don’t have to do it alone. Our dedicated addiction treatment programs across Australia provide compassionate support and a safe, judgment-free space where you can begin your journey to recovery.

How do we treat Substance Misuse at Ramsay Day Clinic Kahlyn?

The Drug and Alcohol Program is carefully managed by an experienced multi-disciplinary team who specialise in the care of patients with chemical dependencies.

A pre-admission assessment is conducted to determine the type of withdrawal regime required and the direction of the treatment for substance withdrawal.

Referral to the service can either come from a GP or a Ramsay credentialled psychiatrist.

Medical detoxification from substances is offered at the Adelaide Clinic under supervision of the treating psychiatrist. This will usually take between 5 to 14 days and can include a mental health review. A relapse prevention group therapy program is offered at the completion of the detox process. This program teaches psychological skills and strategies to increase awareness and ability to make choices concerning substance use and associated behaviours.

If you would like additional information about the Drug & Alcohol Service, please call the Drug and Alcohol team at Ramsay Day Clinic Kahlyn on 8130 4700.

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